Lenka has danced with Chamber Dance Studio in Czech Republic (1985-90), Czurda Tanztheater in Germany (1988-90), Ultima Vez (1991-92) and Ernesto (1993-95) in Belgium.
In 1992 she returned to Prague, where she initiated and directed a series of projects. Alongside teaching contemporary dance at Duncan Centre State Conservatory, she was responsible for the entire international program of the conservatoire. She founded and directed the Progressive European Dance Theatre Project (1994-1995), which in 1996 transformed into the international Confrontations festival, taking place in a number of Prague theatres until 2003.
Together with Simone Sandroni, she founded and directed a multinational company DEJA DONNE (1997-2013), for which she was in charge of the artistic direction, set & costumes, production and distribution. The company toured in 26 countries, including Europe, North and South America and Asia.
Flory has been regularly invited as; a specialist in contemporary dance, a guest choreographer, a teacher and a mentor in Europe and in the USA (American Dance Festival, International Encounter @ Internationales Sommertheater Festival Hamburg and Aarhus Festuge Denmark, Theorem Project @ Avignon Festival and others).
She has directed educational programs for young dancers and choreographers (C.I.T. – Contemporary Interpreter Training 2005-2007, The Art of the Performer 2006-2007, Tutoring & training program for young choreographers in Umbria 2012-2013) and programs for children and youth in schools (R.A.P. for Children - Culture 2000 project, Progetto Spettacolo Umbria 2007-2009, Anna/Heinrich Tanzt. with 100 high school students under the direction of Bavarian State Ballet in Munich 2009-2013).
Flory has been invited to create set and costume design for the National Theatre Prague – Donizetti’s opera Elisir d’Amore in 2010 and for Prinzregenttheater Munich & Bavarian State Ballet - Das Maedchen und der Messerwerfer in 2011. In 2017 she is in charge of the direction, set and costume design for Rossini’s opera Le Comte Ory for the National Theatre in Brno/CZ.
From 2013 till 2014 she held the leading position at the Duncan Centre Conservatoire in Prague.
Recently she is working as an independent manager and producer for international projects in collaboration the Le Théâtre du Galpon Geneva/Switzerland and KoresponDance Festival in the Czech Republic.
Lenka joins Manchester Choreolab 2017 as a Mentor & Provocateur from Tue 25 to Sat 29 July. A great opportunity to build a relationship with Lenka across the week and have this feed, inform, enhance and challenge your practice and ideas.