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Gather Dinner Chat with Jo Fong.


'The Kitchen Table' - is part of Ways of Being Together which is a series of workshops, discussions and performances centred around the idea of Belonging - A Sense of Belonging.


THUR 27 JULY 19:00 to 20:30

Attend by purchasing a SINGLE pass or register using your WEEK or DAY pass.


The act and the art of bringing people together. 


Lately I’ve been learning, learning how to learn, spending time with people. 


So far, we have discussed collaboration, community, participation, inclusivity… 


All discussion has been lightly centred around notions of belonging. 


We have also talked about parties, friendship, responsibility, gardens, permaculture and other things. 


Then there are the massive questions like impact, motivation, sustainability (or whatever that is).


I think i’m at the stage where i’m interested in action, an art action, regeneration, a pledge, something positive however small or potentially groundbreaking.


A sense of belonging is intimate and powerful, connected, optimistic, unknown and curious making.


In these times it seems essential to work on out Ways of Being Together. 

© 2017 Manchester Dance Consortium


Website design: Bridget Fiske



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